We've Moved!

The Men's Room Bible can now be found at MensRoomBible.com. Please visit us and check out our new site!


Welcome to The Men's Room Bible. Lately, I've been thinking about men's room etiquette and decision-making more than any sane human should, so I figured I should do something with it... like share my thoughts with the world. I'd explain the topics I plan to discuss here, but hopefully it'll make more sense to just follow along with what is posted.

As time goes on, I hope this site will become a comprehensive reference on the topic of men's restrooms. I know you think about this stuff. Now you have a place to share and find out what others are thinking as well.

I do not know everything there is to know about restroom etiquette. I will be very clear about this. I expect this to be a group effort - your comments are welcome and encouraged. Please join in and share your thoughts and opinions.

Let the fun begin!

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